
To all humans with a heart (or tax break)

Famille assise sur le pas de la porte

Recently we received help from the Salvation Army SOS. I would like to thank those who participate in this worthy cause, as it makes a huge difference in the lives of the recipients.

I would also lie to encourage others to contribute. The Salvation Army SOS can only work with what they have available. They need your help to continue making a difference in peoples lives.

There are numerous ways to help.

Donate: furniture is in need, and appliances (especially fridges) are needed (desperately).

Even if you can offer vouchers or your services to the organization, where the Salvation Army SOS can send referrals. For example you can offer help by transporting furniture for them. The Staff at Salvation Army SOS can (and do) use everything donated for the improvement of others lives.

So as a recipient I ask you to please help them continue their services in anyway you can.

Every donation is appreciated and needed.

P.S. When there is an adequate supply it helps someone not to feel guilty asking for an extra dresser or computer desk.


La maison dans les mains secourables
Vous avez des meubles à donner?

Nous sommes à la recherche de donateur pour fournir le nécessaire aux familles dans le besoin.

Faites votre don ici
Trois personnes sous un parapluie
Témoignages de sinistrés

Faites la lecture des témoignes de certains des sinistrés qui ont eu recours à SOS.

Lire les témoignages
Mains secourables
Offrez votre aide

Plusieurs partenaires se sont joint à SOS. Serez-vous des nôtres ?

Nos partenaire


If it was not for this organization, I don’t know what I would have done My SOS client’s name is Sean Mackenzie, and he said to me with tears in his eyes “that if it was not for the Salvation Army and the Red cross he doesn’t know what he would have done, because in three hours his life changed completely and dealing with the stress that comes with being a fire victim, he really appreciate all the help and support we gave him.
If it was not for this organization, I don’t know what I would have done
Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare. Pellentesque odio nisi, euismod in.
Les pompiers éteignent une maison en feu